Thursday, 28 March 2013

Headed South. No second head growing. Yet.

Hey! I'm here! Just been crazy busy. I moved down to Tasmania (shocking, I know!) and it's usually a minimum of 13-14 hours door-to-door. But it's an exciting job, just lots to get my head around. And not much time for cooking or blogging!

I've been living off McDonald's and Lean Cuisines for about three weeks now and the Maccas is winning the battle, or so my thighs tell me. But I've got a flat now, and therefore a fridge and a stove, and am super-excited about getting back into healthy cooking and sharing it (and some of the less healthy stuff!) here.

For now I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of leaving Melbourne on the ferry and a couple of the job site. If there are any professional tree-huggers reading this you will probably realise what a challenge sediment control will be. Wish me luck with that...

I'm writing on my phone and don't know where the photos will show up, so these are the would-be captions: 1. Bye, Melbourne! 2. Obliging seagull improving an otherwise average photo. 3. Arthur's lake, where the pipeline begins. 4. Looking down the hill to where the pipeline ends. Oh, and this ain't the steep bit!

I'm off to the Victorian Alps for the long weekend now to be shown around Red Robin Mine, which I believe is the last remaining gold mine in the area and is in its last season. It interests me both as a professional tree-hugger and also as a former honours student in the Alpine region. I first met the miner doing my field work back in 2005, and tripped over him again on a hiking trip over Christmas 2011 - the day before I was airlifted out, in fact. I'll write about it here, and who knows - I might be able to convince an outdoors magazine to pick it up.

So stay safe over the long weekend, everyone. Enjoy your Easter and don't eat too much chocolate! (Or forget that Easter is not just about the noms.)


  1. Such adventures! I'm not sure I envy your very long days, though...

    1. No, they're wearing a bit thin. Add to that the fact that the clock tower over the road chimes on the hour... and the quarter-hour, and I seem to be woken at 5am each morning. Just as well I have to be up early!

  2. Sediment control - lots of baffles???

    I've only been to Tasmania once, so I'm looking forward to your updates :-)

    1. I was thinking the same thing.

      The fantastic thing Tasmania it is that everything is within a few hours' drive, so I'm bound to have quite a bit to tell!

  3. I'm excited to see what life has in store for you, those pictures are beautiful!

    1. Hopefully the pics will get better - every sunrise is spectacular! It's just a matter of learning to carry my camera around.

  4. Gorgeous pictures! Great job posting via phone!

    1. Posting by phone certainly presents some challenges! But I've figured out that if you start a draft with your pictures already in it, and some text separating them, then it turns out more similar to the format you had envisaged than it otherwise would have.


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