Saturday, 1 October 2011



(Yeah, Droptober, I stole your banner. So whatcha gonna do about it??)

Well I suppose it is a little bit ironic that, following three back-to-back posts on deliciously fattening foods, I am now posting about Droptober. Chances are, the ones that follow will also be about food. I'm good like that :)

Droptober is basically a challenge to lost 2kg in the month of October and be sponsored to do so.

That's a hint, people!!!

Money goes to Kids for Life, and I figured that since I've been struggling a bit to keep in shape this last month or so, that if I can't do it for myself then I'd do it for the kids.

If you'd like to sponsor me, email me - there should be a little envelope icon at the bottom of this post that allows you to do so. Alternately, leave a comment including your email address and I'll contact you.

Doing this will also help me to achieve #49 on my 101 Things list. Today, being the first of October, I weigh 77kg (which surprises me, given how much crap I've been eating (lots) and how much excercise I've been doing (none). Ahh, the human body is a surprising machine!). I'll check in mid-month and again at the end to let you know you're getting what you pay for.

Wish me luck!

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